Thursday, 7 April 2011


final edit

This is my final edit of my film title sequence. Since producing the rough cut I have modified the film quite dramatically by removing some titles and including more footage which I filmed after the rough cut deadline.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Rough Cut

This is the rough cut of my film. I have briefly put the clips of footage together along with a couple of titles. I still need to insert a soundtrack and also edit some more footage in order to improve the edit for my final cut. When doing a peer assesment within class i received some constructive cristisism and also some feedback on what aspects of my film were good. For example, most people recognised the varety of shot i had used such as close ups, long shots, shot reverse shot, jump cuts etc. A point in which the audience suggested i should improve upon is removing some of the titles and replace those with actual film footage in order to include a wider variety of shot and also to present the narrative in a more scary and in a typical horror convention.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Shot List

Amy media - shot list
View more documents from AmyClark94

This is a list of shots which i plan to use within my film. Within this document i have tried to explain the effect which i hope to achieve by using these shots.

Monday, 21 February 2011


Media logo
View more presentations from AmyClark94.

This is my final design for a logo. I have uploaded a document on how I made the logo and also the ideas behind the design.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Making The Logo

Making the logo
View more documents from AmyClark94

This is a brief explanation along with some evidence of how i made my logo. I decided to use photoshop so that i could take advantage of the variety of effects, texts and gradients within my logo.