Monday, 21 February 2011


Media logo
View more presentations from AmyClark94.

This is my final design for a logo. I have uploaded a document on how I made the logo and also the ideas behind the design.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Making The Logo

Making the logo
View more documents from AmyClark94

This is a brief explanation along with some evidence of how i made my logo. I decided to use photoshop so that i could take advantage of the variety of effects, texts and gradients within my logo.

Monday, 14 February 2011


This is my animatic storyboard with a commentary placed on as well. I have tried to include every shot that I plan to use in my final product and what effect each of the shots are trying to achieve. 

Friday, 4 February 2011

Pitch in 25 Words

Fearless teenagers are killed one by one in an attempt to catch the murderer of their friend. Will they survive? Can they stop the murders?

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Changes to Title of film

I have made changes to the title of my film, from 'Into The Dark' to 'MISSING' as looking back, i feel that this title suits the narrative more. I can also make the title of my film look like a missing poster by using the same bold fonts, therefore making the physical case of the film look like and link with the missing posters in the narrative.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


View more documents from AmyClark94.

The Grudge Timeline Titles Analysis

This is the timeline from the beginning titles of The Grudge. I decided to analyse the beginning titles so that within my film i could place the actors names at the right time and any written narrative. I found that this particular film was different to most horror films in that the titles are much more dominant than in many horrors. In most horrors the titles are very subtle so that all the audience focus is on the actual footage and the scenes in the titles. However, The Grudge used their titles differently and incorporated them into the film in a much more distinct fashion. I found this to be very interesting and plan to use some of the techniques used in this title sequence in my own to make it different to other horror films.

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